Saturday, January 26, 2013

Vanna White Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox and Nose Job

Has Vanna White Turned to Plastic Surgery?

Since 1983, Vanna White has been turning letters on the popular game show, Wheel of Fortune. Now, as the blond beauty is in her fifth decade, many have wondered, is she also turning to plastic surgery to stay young?

52-year old Vanna White has been walking back and forth across the Wheel of Fortune Stage for half her life, but shows no signs of slowing down. On the contrary, it seems to be good cardio, keeping the former cheerleader as fit and toned as ever in the evening gown she sports each weeknight.

Although Vanna looks amazing, there seems to be some controversy as to whether or not Vanna has ever had work done. The letter turning herself has never said anything one way or another as to whether or not she has had plastic surgery, although she has reportedly denied it on occasion.

A few years ago, there were unconfirmed rumors that Vanna had dabbled in Botox. However, some seem to feel she needs Botox, while others think she has never had any work. The difference in opinions, both professional and not, could stem from Vanna using Botox for a while, stopping the injections, and then changing her mind and going back to them, or another dermal injectable.

Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr. David Shafer, says, “Vanna White looks great for 52. She has obviously had Botox. Examining her photos over the years, she seems to have tried Botox intermittently. She seems to alternate between a perfectly smooth forehead to having moderate glabellar and forehead lines and fairly significant crow’s feet. In a few pictures it looks as if she has had cheek injections, since in her most recent photos her cheeks are more voluminous than older photos. There a few 2007 pictures, in particular, where she looks pretty worn out. However, in her most recent pictures, she looks beautiful, as always.”

On the other hand, Dr. Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, Calif., says, “I know her and she hasn’t had any face work.”

However, most seem to agree that Vanna looks suspiciously youthful for her age and likely that she had a facelift and blepharoplasty at some point in time. She may have also had a rhinoplasty to slim down her nose.

Orange County Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Di Saia says, “I’d say it is likely she’s had facial work – a facelift with eyes.”

Plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston reports, “Vanna White looks fabulous for 52 years. Recent photos appear to show less heaviness of her upper eyelids when compared to earlier ones. I think she has also had a facelift but her jawline has always been sharp so it is a little hard to be sure from photos. Her nose is thinner than in the Playboy years so a rhinoplasty was done at some point in time. Her breasts have always been full making it hard to tell if she has had breast surgery. Whatever she has done combined with her natural beauty sets her apart from most ladies her age.”

In the way of bodywork, that is very hard to determine because since having her kids in the mid-90′s, Vanna has seems to have stopped the sexy photoshoots she did in the ’80s and 90s, including posing for Playboy. However, Vanna has always been an exercise fiend and this is more than likely how she has maintained her body throughout the years. She is an advocate of healthy living and even offers healthy recipes on her portion of the Wheel of Fortune website. It is also unlikely that Vanna has had a breast augmentation, and any change in the size or cleavage is more than likely a result of different undergarments to fit different evening gowns.

While the debate as to whether or not plastic surgery has helped Vanna turn letters for so long, Make Me Heal congratulates her on looking fantastic for 5,000 episodes of Wheel of Fortune.

Vanna White is best known for her television show, Wheel of Fortune, which she has been featured for past five decades. While she has appeared for so long on the television screen, we have seen a little change in her appearance and personality since then. What is the reason that she has gained so little change in her personality? The answer to this question lies in plastic surgery, where it has appeared that she has used certain tactics to freeze her age and it seems like she has also succeeded in achieving her goals.

There are strong possibilities that she has maintained her personality through plastic surgery procedures, such as facelift and other fillers. The experts also believe that she has had a facelift along with a nose job in the past. The facelift has reduced her age, and has helped her look like a lady in the 40s. The nose job was done many years ago, when she showed the desire to bring a bit alteration in her nose.

In the past some years, she has been using Botox injections, which she thinks has also helped her in many ways. There is no other way left for her than to reduce her age through plastic procedures. The lady was born in 1957 and has been hosting Wheel of Fortune since 1982. She was born to Joan Marie and Miguel Angel, but she did not use the name of her father after he left her and her mother. The mother got married again and she, then, adopted the name of her stepfather.

The host of ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and American television personality, Vanna White, is rumored to have had a facelift, nose job. She is also believed to use Botox injections as well through which she tried to freeze her age. We have been seeing her on Wheel of Fortune for past five decades. During all these five decades, she has maintained her facial expressions and her heath lot. There is just a minor change in her face since 1983. This has not done because of her good genes or exercises or healthy diet, but the real reason is the plastic procedures which she had been getting during her career.

She has spent nearly half of her age on the stage of Wheel of Fortune, but she still looks the same White which we had been seeing during 80s or 90s. She is in 50s right now, but looking at her face and body, you can’t say that she is as older. She herself never talks about her facial beauty. She has not said any word whether she had a plastic surgery or it is her real and natural face. It seems like she avoids talking on these situations in the public.

Some years back, there were rumors all around the web about her, but these rumors were never confirmed. Some professionals think that she really uses Botox injections, while many others say that she is a natural lady who has nothing to do with these procedures. Dr. David Shafer says that she looks great though, but she definitely uses Botox for her face.