Vanessa Williams, born in 1963 is a good example of what is it aging gracefully. She admitted the help of some botox injections but as an actress, she needs her face to move, and good for her, her plastic surgeon did it just great.
Botox is one of the more popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons now days, and is one of the favorites of many celebrities, not only female but also male stars are rumored to receive these injections, celebrities as Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
Williams told to Starpulse: "I did it after I turned 40, but I told the doctor, 'My face has got to move. I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for refreshment."
Her role in the TV show "Ugly Betty" as Wilhelmina Slater brought her lot of attention in 2007 but she didn't make any big change on her look, she is very natural and comparing with old pictures, we can see a more mature face with a lot better make up than in pictures from her Miss America's years.
Vanessa Williams, the former beauty queen currently starring on ABC’s hit TV show Ugly Betty has proudly declared herself to be a Botox user. But Make Me Heal suspects that Vanessa’s use of plastic surgery to maintain her looks goes a little further than a couple of injections.
Vanessa Williams told Barbara Walters “I certainly do Botox, which I definitely think that almost every woman that I know has. And it’s a miracle drug, no cutting, nothing…”.
Although Vanessa’s forehead is totally smooth, she still has some crow’s feet around the eyes, making her Botox results appear more natural. Vanessa made a wise choice to not over-botoxify her face to the point that it stops having any facial expression
“I did it after I turned 40, but I told the doctor, ‘My face has got to move. I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for refreshment,” says Vanessa.
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn is equally impressed with Vanessa’s balanced enhancement, saying “Take a look at her forehead in the photo. It is smooth as a baby’s bottom. That is one nice Botox result. Even two decades after she became Miss America, she is still absolutely stunning. Too bad, Rick Fox!”.
Grammy nominee and Tony nominee Vanessa Williams is very open about her plastic surgery adventure who says that she has had Botox after she turned 40. After she turned 40, she visited plastic surgeon office and asked him that she was not come there for perfection, but she was come there for refreshment. Botox is a miraculous thing in her opinion which has powers to completely change your face. She also reveals that it is a process which almost every woman in the industry uses and so there is nothing to hide about that.
She has also been Miss America as well. The earlier pictures of the former beauty show that she had a wider nose at that time, but now the geometry of her nose is completely changed. This makes us to speculate if she had a nose job as well in the past recent years. Dr. Jennifer Walden thinks that besides using the Botox injections, the beauty has also had a surgical browlift in the past as well.
Dr. Paul Nassif however thinks that the much slimmer nose and the beautiful tip of the former beauty might be the result of the nose job. The nostrils of the beauty have been reduced. Surely, she is a beautiful and charming lady who does not need to have any procedures at this time of her age. She should not test any other filler or procedure except nose job and Botox, but there are reports that she might have facelift and browlift in the future.